You made it through pride month, you participated in the sissy pageant, what to do with all those outfits you put together? Well if you ask me, I’m going to tell you to do something altogether devious for my enjoyment: Post pageant sissy sploshing!
Post Pageant Sissy Sploshing
Today is the last day of my phone sex anniversary celebration and the last day of pride. If you’ve got time, get yourself some cake and ice cream and bring in July with a bang! Sploshing phone sex is not for the faint of heart, so it’s important that you share my enthusiasm before venturing into your first – is this your first time, sugar? – sploshing session with me. The number one rule is: BE PREPARED TO GET WET AND MESSY! I spare no expense when it comes to sploshing fun.
Pairing Sissies And Food Fetish
This is not the first time I’ve paired food fetish with the sissy fetish, I have quite a few sissies that are into sploshing as a form of fun AND humiliation. You don’t have to be into humiliation to have fun with me, but you do have to have an interest in making a mess. So with precaution, if you want to spare your sploshing space from a disaster, get some plastic or a portable mini pool to do your sploshing in. You can also use your bathtub like this sploshing ginger cutie did, but put a drain cover on first so you don’t clog your pipes. Otherwise you’ll be explaining to the plumber why there’s cake and beans in your shower drain!
Sissy Dress Up And Mess Up!
One of my favorite activities for sploshing sissies is having them wear pantyhose and fill them with sloppy food. Think gooey, sticky, creamy, slippery, foods! And if you’re looking for a happy ending, the best part is you’ll have all that yummy food to flavor your cum eating! You have to clean up your mess, after all.
Sissy Sploshing Phone Sex Calls
If you can “squeeze” in a sploshing session today, grab some supplies or make a store run, and call me! Remember if you mention my free minute offer to the dispatcher, you get 5-10 free minutes added until midnight. Read my Enchantrix Tease blog for rules and details, but you better hurry! Dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Mistress Brighton. If you’d like me to watch you on skype or discord please email me first as I do not monitor skype. Have a great summer! Don’t go anywhere, stay tuned and check TheDailyCock for July phone sex shenanigans!
Mistress Brighton
Sexy Texting On Skype (Please email me first as I do not always monitor skype)
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