sploshing with fruit preserves

Miss Brighton invites you to try sploshing with fruit preserves. 1-800-601-6975

If you’re going to fuck a jar of jelly, make sure the jar opening is big enough that you don’t get your dick stuck in it. Hidy ho neighbors! It’s your sploshing phone sex Mistress with a handy dandy fuck your food guide to start your year off. 2020 is going to be warm, sticky, and wet and messy. Starting with sploshing… with fruit preserves!

Sploshing With Fruit Preserves

If you’re watching your carbs, you might wanna cut your calories the day of your sploshing session. That sugar rush will kick in and kick you in the ass! I would suggest warming up the fruit preserves first. But please be careful because hot sugar burns, and sticks to your skin… and.. and burns. I am a sadistic Mistress, so I will just say that if I was really fucked up I wouldn’t care if you burned your dick with hot jam, however I do care and you need to make sure if you heat your jam up in the microwave, that you test the temperature first. It’s preferable to just warm it up in a hot water bath, but if you don’t feel like doing that, you can microwave your sploshing fruit.

Why Fuck The Jelly?

It all started with a video of a guy fucking a jar of strawberry jam, and it just goes downhill from there. Thanks FL Slave for sending me that! Think warm jelly, as a substitute for the pussy you’re not getting. You slide your dick into the fruity mctooty hole, and you are transported to heaven. If only for a moment, you can close your eyes and pretend that you’re fucking a real life woman and her pussy smells and tastes like your favorite sweet preserve. That is until I lean in – giggling – and ask you if you’re enjoying fucking your cunt jar. Muahahahahahahaha.

Pump Your Jelly Filled Girlfriend

Your eyes fly open, and even though you’re fucking fruit jam, you’re still hard, and desperate to cum, and I haven’t given you permission to stop. So you know where this is going. Your going to fuck the preserves until it’s time for the magic to happen. AND THEN! You’re going to spread it on some warm toast and eat your fruity load ya little bitch. I’m an advocate for sploshing paired with cum eating. Did you really think I’d let you slide (pun intended) without cleaning up your mess?

Cleaning Up Your Sticky Fuck Toy

Listen… are you listening? Make sure you properly wash your dick, balls, ass, whole body, after fucking jelly. Because sugar. Because fucking yeast infections! That’s a bad time waiting to happen if you don’t properly shower. Need some more guidance in the ways of sploshing phone sex? Call me! Let’s make 2020 a new year filled with fun fuckery and lots of food fetish play. Dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Brighton, and prepare to fucketh thine foodeth!!!


Mistress Brighton